iFun Leaderboard Changelog¶
v1.0.0-4162 (2020-06-30)¶
2020-06-30 12:00:00
- Leaderboard¶
Update to reflect engine 1.0.0-5531 stable.
v1.0.0-4112 (2020-06-03)¶
2020-06-03 12:00:00
- Leaderboard¶
Update to reflect engine 1.0.0-5451 stable.
v1.0.0-3855 (2020-05-06)¶
2020-05-06 12:00:00
- Leaderboard¶
Update to reflect engine 1.0.0-5295 stable.
v1.0.0-3570 (2020-04-01)¶
2020-04-01 12:00:00
- Leaderboard¶
Update to reflect engine 1.0.0-5189 stable.
v1.0.0-3473 (2020-03-04)¶
2020-03-04 09:00:00
- Leaderboard¶
Update to reflect engine 1.0.0-5080 stable.
v1.0.0-3391 (2020-02-07)¶
2020-02-07 08:00:00
- Leaderboard¶
Update to reflect engine 1.0.0-4991 stable.
v1.0.0-3165 (2019-01-09)¶
2019-01-09 13:00:00
- Leaderboard¶
Update to reflect engine 1.0.0-4738 stable.
v1.0.0-2956 (2019-12-09)¶
2019-12-09 13:00:00
- Leaderboard¶
Update to reflect engine 1.0.0-4447 stable.
v1.0.0-2904 (2019-11-06)¶
2019-11-06 10:57:36
- Leaderboard¶
Update to reflect engine 1.0.0-4392 stable.
v1.0.0-2895 (2019-10-26)¶
2019-10-26 00:35:59
- Leaderboard¶
Update to reflect engine 1.0.0-4379 stable.
v1.0.0-2858 (2019-10-10)¶
2019-10-10 10:35:59
- Leaderboard¶
Update to reflect engine 1.0.0-4339 stable.
v1.0.0-2819 (2019-09-04)¶
2019-09-04 15:58:03
- Leaderboard¶
Update to reflect engine 1.0.0-4269 stable.
v1.0.0-2790 (2019-08-06)¶
2019-08-06 17:07:18
- Leaderboard¶
Update to reflect engine 1.0.0-4236 stable.
v1.0.0-2764 (2019-07-10)¶
2019-07-10 16:52:00
- Leaderboard¶
랭킹 삭제 후 짧은 시간 안에 재등록 시 DB 에 결과가 누락될 수 있는 문제를 수정했습니다.
리더보드에 요청이 많아질 때, 메모리가 급격하게 증가하는 문제를 수정했습니다.
이제 리더보드 로그를 시스템 언어 설정에 따라 영어와 한글로 출력합니다.
점수를 0 으로 초기값을 설정하면 alltime 랭킹 에 반영되지 않는 문제를 수정했습니다.
이제 특정 리더보드 ID 를 지정해서 복구 기능을 사용할 수 있습니다.
리더보드 복구 기능을 실행할 때,
플래그에 리더보드 ID 를 콤마(,) 로 구분해서 입력하면, 입력한 리더보드 ID 에 대해서만 복구를 수행합니다.옵션 예시)
--recover_leaderboard=true --recovery_target_leaderboard_ids=id1,id2,id3
이제 리더보드에서도 카운터 조회 기능을 사용할 수 있습니다.
카운터 조회에 사용하는 API 서비스 기본 포트(포트 13820) 를 기본적으로 사용합니다.
리더보드의 MANIFEST 에서 동적 설정변경 기능을 활성화 화는
플래그의 기본값을true
로 설정합니다.이제 리더보드의 DB 에 대한 쿼리 실행 시간이 길어질 경우 경고를 출력합니다.
로 설정할 수 있습니다.
친구 랭킹을 조회하는 기능의 성능을 개선했습니다.
v1.0.0-2747 (2019-07-05)¶
2019-07-05 11:07:35
- Leaderboard¶
Update to reflect engine 1.0.0-4177, 4200 stable.
v1.0.0-2735 (2019-07-03)¶
2019-07-03 08:50:48
- Leaderboard¶
Update to reflect engine 1.0.0-4165 stable.
v1.0.0-2687 (2019-06-04)¶
2019-06-04 15:15:29
- Leaderboard¶
Update to reflect engine 1.0.0-4096 stable.
v1.0.0-2622 (2019-05-08)¶
2019-05-08 18:28:30
- Leaderboard¶
Update to reflect engine 1.0.0-4022 stable.
v1.0.0-2587 (2019-04-03)¶
2019-04-03 19:07:33
- Leaderboard¶
Update to reflect engine 1.0.0-3986 stable.
v1.0.0-2546 (2019-03-08)¶
2019-03-08 16:26:17
- Leaderboard¶
Update to reflect engine 1.0.0-3948 stable.
v1.0.0-2470 (2019-02-11)¶
2019-02-11 16:26:17
- Leaderboard¶
Update to reflect engine 1.0.0-3837 stable.
v1.0.0-2460 (2019-02-07)¶
2019-02-07 14:26:31
- Leaderboard¶
Update to reflect engine 1.0.0-3820 stable.
v1.0.0-2447 (2019-01-24)¶
2019-01-24 13:41:02
- Leaderboard¶
Update to reflect engine 1.0.0-3805 stable.
v1.0.0-2434 (2019-01-09)¶
2019-01-09 00:00:00
- Leaderboard¶
Update to reflect engine 1.0.0-3790 stable.
v1.0.0-2417 (2018-12-05)¶
2018-12-05 00:00:00
- Leaderboard¶
Update to reflect engine 1.0.0-3764 stable.
v1.0.0-2365 (2018-11-07)¶
2018-11-07 10:15:31
- Leaderboard¶
Update to reflect engine 1.0.0-3686 stable.
v1.0.0-2322 (2018-10-10)¶
2018-10-10 09:53:38
- Leaderboard¶
Update to reflect engine 1.0.0-3624 stable.
v1.0.0-2305 (2018-09-18)¶
2018-09-18 06:36:47
- Leaderboard¶
Update to reflect engine 1.0.0-3579 stable.
v1.0.0-2226 (2018-08-01)¶
2018-08-01 17:30:00
- Leaderboard¶
iFun Engine 3468 stable 업데이트 반영.
1224 와 같은 랭킹 조회 시 잘못된 랭킹이 나올 수 있는 문제 수정
v1.0.0-1803 (2017-11-13)¶
2017-11-13 11:35:54
Breaking Changes
다음의 기능 추가로 인해 엔진 업데이트가 필요합니다.
월간 랭킹 초기화 기능 추가.
1.0.0-2458 stable 이상이 필요합니다.
- Leaderboard¶
월간 랭킹 초기화 기능 추가.
랭킹 리셋 스케쥴을 등록한 경우 해당 period 테이블에만 점수 갱신하도록 수정.
v1.0.0-1744 (2017-09-26)¶
2017-09-26 09:46:53
- Leaderboard¶
게임 서버에서 리더보드 랭킹을 리셋할 수 있는 기능 추가.
1.0.0-2401 stable 버전 이상의 엔진으로 업데이트해야 합니다.
v1.0.0-1638 (2017-08-22)¶
2017-08-22 09:27:48
- Leaderboard¶
리셋스케쥴의 interval 이 2 이상일 때 간헐적으로 오동작할 수 있는 버그 수정.
v1.0.0-1567 (2017-07-07)¶
2017-07-07 15:54:31
- Leaderboard¶
복구 모드 진행후 서버가 종료되지 않던 버그 수정
프로파일링 기능 추가
랭킹 테이블의 local_account 컬럼 길이 변경할 수 있는 기능 추가
v1.0.0-1155 (2016-09-20)¶
2016-09-20 10:26:26
- Leaderboard¶
Fixed bug in which social ranking search failed with no friends
Added ranking deletion feature
Error messages due to SQLEXCEPTION now output as log
Fixed occasional crashes during ranking search
Added kOverwriting type to overwrite score regardless of high score
Added kHighScore type to replaced kUpdate used when refreshing scores
Fixed incorrect order when searching player’s ranking through dense
gflag to perform recovery unconditionallyRemoved unnecessary queries
Changed default reset schedule end date
Added RuntimeConfiguration and Api Service components to MANIFEST
Fixed duplicate ranking reset processing when multiple leaderboards are in progress
Made first registered player ranked first when scores are identical
Changed microseconds -> seconds when getting timestamp
Added API to force reset rankings
Added feature to check for ranking reset
Fixed bug showing delayed rankings when searching rankings using DenseRanking
v1.0.0-750 (2015-10-02)¶
2015-10-02 09:43:49
- Leaderboard¶
Fixed bug deleting and regenerating reset schedule as many times as the number of servers running
Changed some logs to engine log levels
Added feature to increase/decrease existing scores
Used Redis Cache
Added feature to restore incremented/decremented scores
ScoreSubmission: Also fixed increment/decrement bug for alltime
Modified incorrect LeaderboardRange assertions for nearby
Fixed bug in which scores were not registered after ranking reset
Updated leaderboard DB to respond to UTF-8
Updated so Redis Cache use can be controlled through enable_redis
Added feature to handle equal scorers
Removed feature to control Redis Cache use through enable_redis
Fixed bug truncating stored scores
Added recovery mode to restore DB data with Redis
Fixed ranking reset failure bug when no DB table
Fixed duplicate ranking registration bug
Added feature to get player’s ranking after score refresh
Added feature to search several leaderboards at once